Newspaper clipping: Marketing Key To Peach Future
Accession Number
Accession Date
Feb. 15, 2023
Accession Creator
David Lovegrove
Found in collection
Article recounting Gov. Robert McNair's remarks about the future of agriculture in South Carolina made at the 1965 Peach Growers' Banquet
newspaper clipping with photograph
Storage Location
General Archive Box #5 Folder #9
Marketing Key To Peach Future, Governor Says
Herald State Editor
GREER -- Gov. Robert E. McNair declared Wednesday night that marketing is the key to the future for peaches as well as for all other agricultural products in South Carolina.
Speaking to the ninth annual South Carolina Peach Festival's Queen and Grower Banquet, Gov. McNair called for a coordination of efforts in this "new approach to marketing."
Pointing out that Spartanburg County produces more fresh peaches than the state of Georgia, McNair said everyone should consider that peach orchardists face many problems, particularly weather-wise, than does the average business man.
This year's festival was dedicated Wednesday night to the memory of pioneer peach grower James Hudgens Mills who came to the Pleasant Hill community near Greer from North Carolina when he was 18.
Moving to the Mills homeplace in the Holly Springs community in 1903, he became on the of the leading peach orchardists of his day. Setting out his first trees in the early 1930s, Mills increased his orchards to about 20,000 trees, about 90 per cent the Elberta variety of peaches.
In addition to peaches, Mills operated six cotton gins and operated a general country store. he died in 1949 at age of 74.
Receiving the plaque in his honor was a son, Boyd Mills.
McNair said a special legislative committee set up to study agriculture will give special attention to the development of new marketing concepts which will be of benefit to the growers as well as the buyers and distributors.
"We can look with a great deal of optimism to the tomorrow in South Carolina," if the state continues to face all the challenges that come before us.
Peach Queen Pam Tovey welcomed the 38 contestants to Greer and said her year had been a wonderful one.
Mayor Everett Edwards of Greer received a key to the city of St. Petersburg, Fla., where Miss Tovey attended last year's St. Petersburg Festival of States.
Preliminary judging starts tonight to name a 1965 state peach queen. The pageant begins at 7:30 in Greer High auditorium.
[photo caption]
BOYD MILLS holds plaque honoring the memory of his father, James Hudgens Mills. Verne Smith (left) of the Peach Festival Association, made the presentation.