Color map of Greenville County, South Carolina from 1869. Includes names of property owners, roads, townships, and major landmarks. The future location of Greer shows the crossing of the State Road and the Chick Springs/Spartanburg Road, showing the Blakely place situated at the crossroads.
Paper map, approximately 8.5x11, black ink on white paper. Text: "MAP OF GREER, S.C showing Streets, Public Buildings and Man ufacturing Plants. March 1936 Revised from print made 1931." Stamped "GREER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE." Encased in permanent lamination.
Maps of Greer, made by the Sanborn Map Company. After the 1930 maps were released, Sanborn changed to a system of mailing out "glue on" patches to update maps, rather than creating entirely new maps. These images show all the cumulative updates to make the map up-to-date as of March 1951.